
Why Do I Really Need to Brand Myself?

Personal branding is extremely important for career success today, but most people simply don’t know where to start. A strong personal brand for you as opposed to the company you work for or the company you run can help to establish a way of opening doors and position you as a natural leader. What Are [...]

By |August 2nd, 2017|Analysis, Marketing, Planning, Strategy|Comments Off on Why Do I Really Need to Brand Myself?

Why Business Professionals Need to Have a Good Online Presence

Employees of businesses may take their reputation online for granted because they assume that the greater company already has an established profile and reputation, making it less important for the individual. However, it’s an absolute necessity for any business employee to maintain a good online presence. It’s not something that should be neglected and it’s [...]

By |March 31st, 2017|Analysis, Business, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on Why Business Professionals Need to Have a Good Online Presence

Looking to Reach the Kind of Audience Tapped by Television? Consider Both YouTube and Facebook

Why You Need YouTube and Facebook in a Marketing Campaign It turns out that a holistic approach to social media sites like YouTube ad Facebook can be beneficial for advertisers. Up until this point, advertising dollars have been primarily diverted towards television as a result of the potential reach. The daily reach of YouTube however, [...]

By |May 16th, 2016|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Videos|Comments Off on Looking to Reach the Kind of Audience Tapped by Television? Consider Both YouTube and Facebook

How Old Is a Law Firm’s Website?

How Old Is a Law Firm’s Website? There’s no doubt that many attorneys and firms are aware that they need a website. Some have even hurried to get one live with the realization that sans website, they are totally unable to compete in their local market. But an effective website is about far more than [...]

By |April 16th, 2015|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Strategy|Comments Off on How Old Is a Law Firm’s Website?

Pay Per Click Advertising For Attorneys

Pay Per Click Advertising For Attorneys Especially when you’re in a competitive market, which is often true for those practicing torts liability and personal injury, you need to do everything in your power to rank at the top of the search engines. The market can be so crowded in these areas that even when you [...]

By |April 15th, 2015|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Strategy|Comments Off on Pay Per Click Advertising For Attorneys

Using LinkedIn To Get Referral Work

Using LinkedIn To Get Referral Work Arguably the social media site most geared towards professionals, LinkedIn is a great fit for attorneys. The reason is because there are many others in similar industries you can connect with on the site, but there are also a number of features that make it a great place for [...]

By |March 24th, 2015|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on Using LinkedIn To Get Referral Work

Why Does My Law Firm Need A Live Chat Feature?

Why Does My Law Firm Need A Live Chat Feature? If you’ve checked out your competition at all, you’ve probably noticed a trend: the “live chat” feature is extremely popular on law firm websites. If you’re without it, you might be wondering why so many of your colleagues have installed and what benefits, if any, [...]

By |February 11th, 2015|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Strategy|Comments Off on Why Does My Law Firm Need A Live Chat Feature?

SEO 2015: Video- Are you streaming?

How Video Content Marketing Will Be a Post-2014 Game Changer I’m sure you’ve seen it: that little white triangle inside the red box, which is usually hovering over some video’s image clip. Sure, it might not look like much, but it is one extremely powerful symbol… And its influence is projected to explode, as we [...]

By |January 12th, 2015|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Strategy|Comments Off on SEO 2015: Video- Are you streaming?

3 Common Social Media Mistakes That Could Kill Your Credibility

3 Common Social Media Mistakes That Could Kill Your Credibility Harnessing the social web is one of the fastest ways to put your online presence on the map. There are three basic reasons why companies use social media to boost their traffic and engage audiences: Social media is viral by nature, which means that posting [...]

By |December 16th, 2014|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on 3 Common Social Media Mistakes That Could Kill Your Credibility

Essential: LinkedIn for Business Lawyers

I am well aware that having a practice keeps you busy… Ok that was an understatement -it keeps you extremely busy. But there’s a balance that you have to handle, from which no attorney is exempt. Especially for business law firms, you might have a hefty caseload today; but months from now, it’s going to [...]

By |November 13th, 2014|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Strategy, Videos|Comments Off on Essential: LinkedIn for Business Lawyers