Why You Need YouTube and Facebook in a Marketing Campaign
It turns out that a holistic approach to social media sites like YouTube ad Facebook can be beneficial for advertisers. Up until this point, advertising dollars have been primarily diverted towards television as a result of the potential reach.
The daily reach of YouTube however, poses this site as the biggest threat to TV currently. Both the platforms of Facebook and YouTube can serve complimentary roles for an advertiser looking to obtain maximum reach.
How Facebook and YouTube Work Together
The True View ads on YouTube deliver a much higher rate of views and chances that the users will complete the video than Facebook. In fact it turns out that users are four times more likely to complete the videos they start on YouTube as opposed to Facebook.
Many individuals take a look at these competing statistics and feel overwhelmed about what to do next. It might seem like it’s counterintuitive to get to know both social media platforms in detail, but this is not necessarily the case. It is important to remember that as a business owner, you should not be handling all these issues on your own.
Hiring a company like Media Driven Results allows you to still be in the driver’s seat as it relates to your overall brand and messaging without having to become an expert on Facebook, YouTube, or both. This is a wise decision when you feel like you need to invest in both but don’t have the time or interest to understand each platform individually as well as how they work together. Outsourcing this to someone who understands how these work together and work on their own is highly valuable, allowing you to capitalize on each one without having to make the effort on your own and finding yourself simply frustrated.
Video Ads: Working Together and Separately With YouTube and Facebook
YouTube also allows advertisers to target contextually for placements as well. Facebook’s advertising however, is much cheaper. The video ads on Facebook drive clicks or more click-through rates when compared with YouTube and in general tend to lead to increased level of user engagement for simple interactions like shares and likes. This is a result of the social nature of the Facebook platform. One of the greatest things about using these two tools together is that Facebook and Google offer excellent cross device user data, and this is essential for looking at as mobile video viewing will only continue to grow.
The potential reach of Facebook as a social media platform plus the amount of longer watch times driven by a user’s intent on YouTube means that campaign performance and engagement can both be increased when used properly by an advertiser. Contact Media Driven Results today for more information about how to use social media to promote your company.